Saturday, March 2, 2019

Pretty Little Liars-Chapter 3-FRIENDSHIP

The third reason explains allot about this show..
"The greatest gift of life is Friendship", which is what this article is all about.

This show is based on sole idea of friendship where group of 4 friends tries to rescue and save their another friend who is in grave danger where series of twist and turns of events take place in the show.The level of friendship is remarkable with lots of secrets to unravel and danger to themselves and their families, eventhough the innocence between their friendship is till the end of seasons.The beauty of friendship is based on similar thinking and goal of saving their friend from grave danger.
Their day to day life is tackled with lots of planning to save each another from enemies  who threatened them reveals their secrets related to their personal life.For me friendship is a big part of my life infact it is one of my best friend inspired me to start writing blogs via articles or posts, she said you have talent to review and give my valuable suggestion and saying in these entertainment industry, well time will tell me whether i am capable of writing and doing remarkable work.Pretty little liars characters are justified each and every role.

My favorite is Spencer character played by Troian Bellasario who justifies every situation.The Acting is so good you get involved in so much which is why i started writing this articles series.Every Love Story started with a Pinch of Friendship which is beautiful and Elegant that we are in love at first site.Every Character lives are twisted in such a manner that it has to choose between life and death.The Revenges, avenges,truth and dare,love and lust all are basic pillars of friendship. So, if you don't like any of my reasons and if you like friendship which plays major in your life do give it a try at watching.

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