Friday, March 1, 2019

Pretty Little Liars -Chapter 2-TWIST 'N' TURNS

Hey Guys i am back with my new article of this blog which is the main pillar of this show is 
"Twist N Turns" 

The second Reason to watch this amazing American TV Series is all the Twists and Turns which all displayed in such an amazing way to represent all the characters in their mentioned roles to play.
Such justification of all characters and roles played specified actors and actress.The series is full of secrets which only justify the theme song of this show is SECRET

Got a Secret,
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you will save,
Better lock it in your pocket,
Taking this one to the grave,
If  i Show you then i know you 
Won't tell what i said,
'cause two can keep a secret
If one them is dead.

The love for all darkest secrets,horror of secrets,death plots, sexuality,equality, friendship,innocence teenage life,etc. Every season holds every episodes comes with different plots and stories followed by unravel of speechless and stunned twits with so many darkest secrets. Devastating endings and beginnings gives us a cold waves in our bones. The Level of keeping secrets is top tremendous point. The theme of pretty shows reveals the basic plot on which it is based. To be honest with you this is one of the most terrific and best american teen drama and mystery show. This series never gave to chance to miss any episodes. The curiosity and inspiration towards this show is viewers dedication and love to it.

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