Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pretty Little Liars-Chapter 6-PACKAGE OF GENRE

I have been thinking allot about what would be the next reason to watch this show then I thought what was the first genre which attracted me about this show.So the next reason to watch Pretty Little Liars is Genre about attracts viewers.

Pretty Little Liars is about bundle of joy to watch with full of genre packed to enjoy this show.All the twists and turns with change of plot with every episodes brings Mystery and Thriller genre which satisfies in every way.All the love stories and romantic scenes which are grown throughout the series gives us Romance genre which attracts teenagers viewers.Race to catch killers and stalker which plays the game of cat and mouse which very much gives justice to Adventure genre to their life.All the one liner which are linked to the life as we live it gives us a comedy and laughs us at and especially Hanna and A which justify Comedy genre.Life in School and college with complete drama to handle with enemies, boyfriends, girlfriends,friendship,family drama ,affairs,rivalries and many more with complete package of Teen Drama. With all the drama linked with murders and twisted motives attached to it gives Crime Fiction genre. Pretty Little liars is combination of various genres with a twists of surprises keep coming together with joy.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pretty Little Liars-Chapter 5-ONE LINERS

Very happy with my fifth reason is that " One liners are Perfect"

This show is very famous for its one liners which perfectly fit with each and every situation that arises in the show.I just love the sense of humor and bluntness of each and every characters. Each liners represents some meaning and truthfulness to the Dialogues.Most of the One Liners are Life Goals.

Hanna Marin-"Please, Jenna can't hear us, she's blind."
Allison DeLaurentis- "Friends share secrets . That's what keep us close."
A-"Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars and I'm hunting..."
Emily Fields -"If lying was a crime,we'd all be in jail."
Spencer Hastings- "You have all the subtlety of a hand grenade"
Spencer Hastings-"Popular in life and Death."

One of the most important feature of this show for all new viewers as well as the existing viewers are inspired by the description and themes of each and every episodes which gives life and meaning to the episodes telecasts.One liners are best with situation which resembles the lives and personal things going on in their characters life.

The GIFS of this one liners or you can say dialogue is famous all over world,where teenagers are referring to their life with such humanistic approach towards these one liners.I think that if we started comparing our life with reel life showing on TV, that means success of this will be in the hearts of people.The delivery of all one liners are so perfect and necessary in such a way that absence of those one liners gives curiosity and nervousness to the viewers.Many of the one liners are so creepy and true that provides backlink to the characters.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Pretty Little Liars- Chapter 4-LOVE STORIES

Hey guys it has been many days that i wrote something, just busy with my day to day life.
Love is most important part of our lives...

Pretty Little Liars series is is best known for its love stories...there are many love stories which are presented during this series.Throughout the show Characters are Toby and Spencer(aka spoby), Hanna and Caleb(aka Haleb),Aria and Ezra (aka Ezria) , Emily and Alison(aka Emison), Emily and Paige are the major Couple Goals in  Pretty Little Liars fandom.All the Characters are very much real to me in reel life and gives me thinking about love in my life to come. The most important topic it arises equality towards gender preferences in sexual life.Open to what you are and opportunity to explore who you are and choose what you want in your life.

My Favorite is Spoby love story and how their love story has come to so many ups and downs belong to their different family standards and backgrounds.Their first kiss in parking lot was romantic which i felt it in my bones.Every Love Stories depicted in this show inspired me in some or other way. Whole world was so mad and excited with this show love stories.Since Starting of this show every angle of all the love stories are deep into the roots of their existence

There are so many challenges faced by every couples regarding gender equality , family hurdles, in-dependency, change in career, long distance isuue and many more.Innocent Friendships and love stories represents this show very truthfully. Aria and Ezra relationship is going through lots stages with lot of difficulties because of the age differences.Spoby gives me all chills and relationship is so strong and has been through lot of trust and distress situation which is why their love through out all series is only grown.My love for Spoby is Endless....

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Pretty Little Liars-Chapter 3-FRIENDSHIP

The third reason explains allot about this show..
"The greatest gift of life is Friendship", which is what this article is all about.

This show is based on sole idea of friendship where group of 4 friends tries to rescue and save their another friend who is in grave danger where series of twist and turns of events take place in the show.The level of friendship is remarkable with lots of secrets to unravel and danger to themselves and their families, eventhough the innocence between their friendship is till the end of seasons.The beauty of friendship is based on similar thinking and goal of saving their friend from grave danger.
Their day to day life is tackled with lots of planning to save each another from enemies  who threatened them reveals their secrets related to their personal life.For me friendship is a big part of my life infact it is one of my best friend inspired me to start writing blogs via articles or posts, she said you have talent to review and give my valuable suggestion and saying in these entertainment industry, well time will tell me whether i am capable of writing and doing remarkable work.Pretty little liars characters are justified each and every role.

My favorite is Spencer character played by Troian Bellasario who justifies every situation.The Acting is so good you get involved in so much which is why i started writing this articles series.Every Love Story started with a Pinch of Friendship which is beautiful and Elegant that we are in love at first site.Every Character lives are twisted in such a manner that it has to choose between life and death.The Revenges, avenges,truth and dare,love and lust all are basic pillars of friendship. So, if you don't like any of my reasons and if you like friendship which plays major in your life do give it a try at watching.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Pretty Little Liars -Chapter 2-TWIST 'N' TURNS

Hey Guys i am back with my new article of this blog which is the main pillar of this show is 
"Twist N Turns" 

The second Reason to watch this amazing American TV Series is all the Twists and Turns which all displayed in such an amazing way to represent all the characters in their mentioned roles to play.
Such justification of all characters and roles played specified actors and actress.The series is full of secrets which only justify the theme song of this show is SECRET

Got a Secret,
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you will save,
Better lock it in your pocket,
Taking this one to the grave,
If  i Show you then i know you 
Won't tell what i said,
'cause two can keep a secret
If one them is dead.

The love for all darkest secrets,horror of secrets,death plots, sexuality,equality, friendship,innocence teenage life,etc. Every season holds every episodes comes with different plots and stories followed by unravel of speechless and stunned twits with so many darkest secrets. Devastating endings and beginnings gives us a cold waves in our bones. The Level of keeping secrets is top tremendous point. The theme of pretty shows reveals the basic plot on which it is based. To be honest with you this is one of the most terrific and best american teen drama and mystery show. This series never gave to chance to miss any episodes. The curiosity and inspiration towards this show is viewers dedication and love to it.

Chapter-10- A Unique Show

A different view of scenery in entertainment world. A show full of spirits and soul to the life of teenage and adolescents life. This show ...