Very happy with my fifth reason is that " One liners are Perfect"
This show is very famous for its one liners which perfectly fit with each and every situation that arises in the show.I just love the sense of humor and bluntness of each and every characters. Each liners represents some meaning and truthfulness to the Dialogues.Most of the One Liners are Life Goals.
Hanna Marin-"Please, Jenna can't hear us, she's blind."
Allison DeLaurentis- "Friends share secrets . That's what keep us close."
A-"Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars and I'm hunting..."
Emily Fields -"If lying was a crime,we'd all be in jail."
Spencer Hastings- "You have all the subtlety of a hand grenade"
Spencer Hastings-"Popular in life and Death."
One of the most important feature of this show for all new viewers as well as the existing viewers are inspired by the description and themes of each and every episodes which gives life and meaning to the episodes telecasts.One liners are best with situation which resembles the lives and personal things going on in their characters life.
The GIFS of this one liners or you can say dialogue is famous all over world,where teenagers are referring to their life with such humanistic approach towards these one liners.I think that if we started comparing our life with reel life showing on TV, that means success of this will be in the hearts of people.The delivery of all one liners are so perfect and necessary in such a way that absence of those one liners gives curiosity and nervousness to the viewers.Many of the one liners are so creepy and true that provides backlink to the characters.